Appication from Kapri3

This is the place to post if you want to apply for the Wretched OutKast Clan!
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Appication from Kapri3

Post by kapri3 »

Your Character Name - Kapri3
Your Class - Healer
Your Character Level - 85
Your average play-hours per week - 3-5 hours, su - th
Your timezone (geographical Location) - (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time
Previous clans you've been in (if any) - Clan This (academy)
We are NA/SA based clan our prime time hours are in this timezone, does this conflict with you? - no
Were you referred to this clan? If so by who? - no
Anything else you might want to tell us - I'm looking for clan since i am awakened. I play for fun and really like the policy of your clan :)
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